1998年に世界各国のアイウェアを紹介する店としてオープンし、渋谷と代官山に店を構えるGLOBE SPECS(グローブスペックス)。20周年の節目にあたる今年は、イタリア・ミラノで開催されるメガネ国際見本市「ミド」が主催する、「BESTORE AWARD 2017」で最優秀賞を獲得した。「世界一のメガネ店」を選出するこのアワードを受賞したのは、日本はおろか、アジアでも初となる快挙である。代表の岡田哲哉氏は、世界のアイウェアショップをリードする人物といえる。そんな岡田氏に「これからのメガネ店がどうあるべきか」を訊いた。
A store that can’t be
beaten by ‘online’
GLOBE SPECS was established in 1998 to introduce eyewear from around the world and has stores in Shibuya and Daikanyama. As GLOBE reached the milestone of its 20th anniversary this year, it was awarded the “BESTORE Award 2017” first prize at the MIDO international eyewear show in Milan, Italy. It was the first establishment not only in Japan but the whole of Asia, to achieve this.
Tetsuya Okada, in charge of the stores, can be said to be a leader amongst the world’s eyewear retailers. As such, we asked him what eyewear shops should have going forward.
“In some sense, the world of fashion moves ahead of the eyewear industry, so I often use it as a reference. Presently, in America, stores and brands that have become too big seem to be reaching an impasse. In the U.S., when you become big investors come, but then ‘professional’ managers with the priority of maximising profits for the investors arrive and in the end personality and uniqueness are diluted. Previously, when owners ran stores, it was with the ‘owner’s philosophy’. It was different. As things get bigger, even though they might be run in a similar way to how they were run before, the philosophy and goals are different, so something feels out of place and off balance, I think.”
“Conversely, smaller places with unique American characteristics are doing well. It’s these stores that won’t lose against E-commerce (EC) online sites. In other words, people want to go to stores that have an attraction.”
“If you simply want to get a product, we now live in an age where the Internet has become enormously convenient. For glasses, there are now websites where you can simply take a snap of your face for simulations of how frames will look, and then purchase them online.”
So, how about the online-beating stores that Okada san has created?
“The time and process involved in choosing glasses: shopping, coming to the store… These things in themselves must be enjoyable. Time taken at the store and the time taken to choose… I think it’s important that the shopping experience itself becomes an ”event”. If it’s not a store like that, you’ll lose to online. There has to be something that’s unobtainable unless you actually come to the stores.”